Although Abraham Lincoln is revered today as one of America’s two greatest presidents (along with George Washington), many people of his time did not share that opinion.  In the Confederate South he was vilified.  In the Union North, too, there was a significant segment strenuously opposed to his policies on the war, civil liberties, and emancipation.  Even fellow Republicans sometimes criticized his decisions or questioned his competence. 

You will be able to appreciate that complex and difficult political situation by familiarizing yourself with this collection of more than 400 Lincoln-related cartoons.  They have been indexed by the name of each identifiable individual, with more than 60 of the most frequently depicted figures linked to biographies and portraits.  In addition to people, you can search by symbol, geographic place, topic, or artist.   

The cartoons are taken from 21 different periodicals—some favoring the Union and some the Confederacy—all of which were published between 1860 and 1865; you can also search by publication.  HarpWeek historian Dr. Robert C. Kennedy selected and indexed the cartoons and wrote the biographies.   

Particular thanks go to Rich West of Periodyssey, the American Antiquarian Society, and The Lincoln Museum of Fort Wayne, Indiana, for their assistance to HarpWeek in assembling this collection of rare and even unique periodicals.   

Enjoy the Lincoln cartoons! 

John Adler



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