Campaign Plain Dealer
June 30, 1860
PRESIDENTIAL PRIZE FIGHT! The “Little Giant” on his Pegs, and Lincoln in Limbo.

EXPLANATION.—In the Popular Sovereignty corner stands Thurlow Weed, who, seeing Lincoln's head in “chancery,” as the English Prize Fighters have it, says to the unlucky Lincoln: “You had better go to splitting rails again.”

In front of [text is unclear] stands Raymond, the “Little Villain,” as Greeley calls the Editor of the New York Times. He evidently don't care which whips

In rear of Raymond stands Greeley himself. He too is without emotion, having accomplished his object in killing Seward, and not caring a levy for Lincoln.

These three noted men of the nation, these Lions of the American press, and dictators to the Republican party, have all agreed upon one thing, and that is, in all future political conflicts, whatever may be the result in this, safety is in the People's rights, the “Popular Sovereignty” corner of the Presidential ring.

On the right stands the slaughtered Seward, with arms [text is unclear] and hands thrust into his breeches pockets. He still stands by the flag, the “Irrepressible Conflict,” but thinks he could do better than Lincoln in fighting it out. In rear of the “Irrepressible” stands a backer of Seward who is having a shout all by himself at the prospect of Lincoln's being licked.

In the center, and hoorahing for Douglas, is the senior Editor of this paper, who has for a long time been suspected of being friendly to the Little Giant. He has “come out” at last and does not seem to care [text is unclear]—n who knows it. In his excitement he has knocked off Seward's hat, but does not seem to be aware of the fact himself. He will no doubt apologise for it after the fight is over.

“Lay on McDuff, And d—d be he who first cries, “hold!—enough!”

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